We start dating young (even younger if you're not LDS) and we're not going to know the answers to these questions then. Why is that okay? Because you're not going to get married at 16 (hopefully, yeesh). But when the 20's roll around, it's at least a possibility.
Don't worry about when you'll get married, whether you want to get married soon or far into the future. Being single is a time when you can focus on yourself. Do you know your personality color? If not, take this test: Color Code Test.
Have you heard of the Five Love Languages? If not, take this test: 5 Love Language Test. The test is trying to figure out how you express or feel love by: physical touch, service, time together, by words, or gifts. When you know your love language, you gain insight into how you show your feelings to others and what you like others to do for you.
The last and most important part of this post is to work to become the person you want to marry, not look at dating as a search for the person who has every trait you want. Dating is a time to get to know people and discover whether you are compatible. But the process is going to be more rewarding if you build yourself up to become like the person you want to marry. If you just compare your dates with an extensive checklist, you may reject people you are compatible with or maybe even find someone who passes your checklist but is incompatible with you. This message is brought to you by my marriage prep class.
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