Sunday, October 21, 2012

Video games

GIRLS: Why don't boys ask out girls more? They sit around on the weekends and play video games. Come on. They're acting like 13 year olds.

BOYS: I've had a tough week of work and I want to kick back with my roommates and relax. I don't have a lot of money and I can't afford to take someone out for dinner every week.

It's tough to be a girl and sit back and wait for a guy to ask you out. It seems so easy when you know you'll say yes. All a guy would need to do is say "Hey, you wanna...?". But we underestimate how difficult it is to ask a girl out, plan, and pay for a date. Challenge!! Ask a boy out. Seriously. You'll have to plan and pay for it. You'll find that this isn't a speedy remedy for the single illness. Instead you will learn how nerve-wracking it is and maybe you won't feel the need to rant with your roomies.

When I was dating I hands-down refused to ask a guy out. I always said if he likes me enough, he'll ask me out. If he doesn't then I won't bother. My husband disagrees. He says it's circumstantial. Some guys get nervous and won't ask a girl out. They also worry that even if they did and even if she said yes, she may not be interested and the date would be a waste.

You don't have to go on a date every weekend (until you're married, then you can make goals). We all know one of those girls that gets 5 dates a week and doesn't really need to grocery shop. Pffsh. If you feel that internal pressure to date often, ask yourself why. Do you just hate being single? Are you insecure about not dating? Work on those feelings first. Find security in yourself and your happiness and confidence will radiate out. You never know, your new relaxed, confident demeanor may lead to new social opportunities :)

But guys....ask girls out more. Ya, I said it. It doesn't have to be expensive. We all know there are cheap, fun, social opportunities (especially near college campuses).

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